A Tapestry of Love and Learning

Archive for January, 2017


Religious Exploration News for Jan 29 , 2017

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Children and Youth Reach Out!

UUCW Children and Youth Reaching Out.jpg


Proud of Our People- Womens’ March 2017


Marching with Courage

Marching with Courage
Robin Mitzcavitch, Director of Religious Exploration and Education

The date – January 10, 2017. Tomorrow, I will find out what baby parts my first grandchild will be born with. My daughter and her partner are expecting their first child on May 30th. I will be overjoyed to find out, but I know what the important impact of having a grandchild will be for me. I will love to be a part of helping this new human being start up with a life of peace and be able to maintain a kind and loving heart throughout whatever circumstances life presents.
I will be proud to be the mother that helps my adult children maneuver in the same way. Being an adult in this world and under the uncertain political circumstances that we will face, takes courage. Being able to move peacefully through the world, while finger-pointing messages “tweet” through the air is going to be hard. Standing up for what you believe and trying to hold onto what you pray won’t be lost or dismissed is going to be harder and even more necessary than it has ever been before.
Courage, for me, means standing up for what you believe in – and doing so in love, respect, curiosity, and fairness.
I have a daughter and a son, and my grandchild will be here soon and I am crafting courage to attend the Woman’s March. Gender aside, I feel this march will not only raise awareness for woman’s rights and issues- but for our ability as human species to practice having a voice. As I march in Boston on January 21st….I’ll march for everyone in my family, born and unborn; for people in my circles and my world, no matter what gender. I am concerned about marginalized groups becoming more-so with this new administration. I don’t want to just complain or worry about it, I want to raise awareness and spark hope. I don’t care about Twitter; I care about peace and equality for all people.
I have two children, I have a grandchild coming. I can’t tell you how beautiful a dream it is for me to think of all people gathering the courage to put aside their fears of the unknown race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, social status, mental illness. I wish for everyone that we see the person standing next to us as a co-journeyer and treat them with respect- no matter what they wear on their head or eyes, or below the waist. I treasure a person or community that can ask honest questions and learn from each other. I pray for this type of world for my family’s future. I dream of the ignorance fading.
Having an innocent life , soon to be born to my child, fills me with more courage than I’ve ever known—even more so than when my own two were born, I feel the continuation of a legacy of love that must be protected . Today we have an opportunity to strengthen our roots. January 2017 is the time to dig in, stand tall and be courageous. The new year is here – it’s time to get marching.
With Peace and Love to All,